Saturday, June 11, 2011


The LORD seeth not as man seeth;
for man looketh on the outward appearance,
but the LORD looketh on the heart. I Samuel 16:7b

I conversed on a difficult subject, this week, and--while it was not my first time, ever--it was my first time with someone whose face looks remarkably like mine, which made it strange.  And slightly painful. 

I've been trying for days to figure out how to protect my young one and still share in this forum, and, ultimately, I feel led to take a leap of faith.  (Whether my words will help someone else, someone else's response will help me, or both, I can't say.)

I want to preface the rest by sharing: I am not in any way trying to discourage anyone from making wise food choices, exercising, or otherwise caring for his or her physical being.


I do believe that clever Satan loves to distract and very often does so in making us overly concerned with outward appearance.  Also that young people can be particularly susceptible to the distraction of "looks."

These were the thoughts I offered to my young one, a few evenings ago:

  • You are God's fearfully- and wonderfully-made creation.  He formed you in the womb.  He has numbered the hairs on your head.   
  • You have no physical or mental challenges, and you have never suffered stares for your appearance.  Can you thank God for this?
  • For the record, I think you are handsome.
  • Consider our loved ones who look differently from most everyone else.  They're beautiful to you, aren't they?, because they love you, and you love them...for who they are, not for how they look.
  • The pressure you feel to have a girlfriend is pressure you're placing, unnecessarily, upon yourself.  You are not on anyone else's timetable.  You have plenty of time, but if knowing that doesn't help:
  • Pray for God to send the right girlfriend, at the right time.  In the meantime,
  • Consider how you might strengthen your inner person, in Christ, because
  • The right person will be concerned more with your inner person than your outer.
  • Know that--if I died tomorrow--I would want you to remember me for trying to live for (and teach you about) Jesus moreso than for being pretty.
  • Outer beauty fades with time.  Inner beauty grows with time.
  • God looks at the heart.  When people look at themselves and others with God's eyes, they look at the heart, too, and not at the rest.
  • If you ever feel truly depressed about the way you look, or like you might hurt yourself, please tell me right away. 

Do you have any thoughts to share on this sensitive subject?

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