Monday, March 5, 2012

Wild Orange Photography

Clementine decided to help herself to my camera, today. This is a big no-no, of course, but the photos she took made me laugh, and--lucky for Clementine--that laugh felt like much-needed medicine.

Clementine took twenty photos. I thought I'd share my favorites.

Photo 1

Two funny things about this photo. 1) Neither girl is allowed to touch the "big broom," so Clementine caught Charleigh red-handed. 2) The light coming through the window: can't you almost hear angels singing the hallelujah chorus because someone is finally going to sweep the floor?

Photo 2

I cut and painted Clementine's toenails the other night. She's still so excited over the result. 

Does the above photo seem to be influenced by a certain blogger and photographer who loves to take pictures of her feet? Can you name that individual? Going once, going twice...

Photos 4, 5, & 6

Here we have a box of cereal that Charleigh took off the dining room table and tried desperately to open.

Photo 8

Not bad. Decent shot of Charleigh. Great shot of our log ceiling and the paper chain I've forgotten to take down every day since Christmas.

Photo 9

Charleigh trying to figure out how to get past the gate and upstairs, I think.

Photo 10

Photos 11 & 12

Charleigh in Clementine's Hello Kitty hat (too big for Clementine, also).

Photo 14

Quite proud of this one: clean and folded laundry.

Photo 15

Photo 16

Clementine wishes that I convey: Wild Orange Photography is pleased to meet your graduation- or wedding-photography needs. Enthusiastic photographer with a unique eye. Payment accepted in the forms of cookies, crayons, and Play Doh.

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