Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sing a Song

We'd closed the door on hours' worth of bathing/dressing/ironing/diaper-changing explosion, and it seemed as though (Miracle of miracles!) we might arrive clean and on time, but--as our headlights cut through the darkness--the baby wailed even over his sisters' arguing.

The twelve-year-old in the passenger seat turned his face toward me and said: "Sing a song, Mama, and cheer us up," so I did; I opened my mouth and sang. The little ones behind me quieted, and my young man wiggled his fingers at me.

"See," he said, grinning. "You're magic."

And I am not and have never been magic. Nor long-suffering. Nor organized and scheduled. I fight for happiness, patience. I beat back the piles, never really conquering them, just making dents here and there.

What I am--that is, what I try to be--is wholly myself. I try to live up only to my own standards. That means I choose other things, often, over cleaning. I sleep as much as possible and almost always with my baby. I make time to write out the most important things so my children will know them, someday, also so I won't forget them. I might nurse like crazy, but I don't aspire to diaper in cloth or blend peas for the toothless. I doubt that homeschooling will ever be for me; my young man made it through both fifth and sixth grades without my even knowing he had study cards for SOLs.

All of it is very personal; I don't know another mom who thinks exactly as I or places the exact same emphasis on the exact same things as I. That's ok: good, even.

I'm just trying to live in such a way that I carry a song in my heart, to sing on demand.


  1. Oh you got this so got this!!

  2. I love the authenticity. I still think of the story of the man smoking in front of the hospital as you sat on the bench. You are my hero. Please keep singing.

  3. 'Singing on demand'--Brandee, that is beautiful. And look at the birdcage and free bird floating here on your page==perfect!

    Thanks for stopping by my place last week--my husband is doing better.

    God bless your Christmas season.

  4. Oh, this is wisdom I needed today. Thank you!

  5. ah but keeping that song in your heart to sing on demand is magic! ha....and we should all feel as free to walk to the beat of our own drum...and not let the expectations of life drag us down...

  6. "To sing on demand...." what a beautiful gift. Loved this post today, Brandee.

  7. well this cheered my heart, brandee. i suspect you of being both magic and perhaps a little kindred. lovely.

  8. Thank you for the encouragement to be what we are. It's a constant battle for me to quiet the "shoulds" in my head :) Love this!

  9. Those darlings of yours know that they can count on you to be there. That is apparent and that is really all that matters in the end. You are such a great mom!

  10. Thanks for leading me over to Ashley's blog...seems we live near each other!
